
Entry 6: Year 3034: Location Unknown

After getting out of the shower, I redressed in my suit. I really did need to find and alternative suit for safe keeping. Perhaps there was a stash of supplies somewhere in this facility.  I was heading back to the main room to speak with SR when that door covered by rubble caught my attention. The light inside the room was on. I wanted to get into that room anyways, so I figured I’d attempt to clear some of it out. 

The rubble went very high in through the doorway, almost to the ceiling. I managed to find a pick axe buried under some rubble in the doorway. I raised it high above my head and drove the axe deep into the rubble pile. Several rocks fell away from the stack. It took a small amount of time to clear away enough to get into the room. 
Once the rubble was gone, I was able to enter the doorway easily. The light was flickering and clearly needed changing. I could see that the room was a kitchen. There was no stove, however. There were several crates in the corner of the room; I could only imagine the food supplies in there. If the scientist had been here for a while, he had obviously come prepared. 
The fridge seemed to have been running this whole time. There must be a solar panel somewhere in the mountains that is powering this place.  I opened the fridge, and I had to admit I was starving. It had been almost two days since I finished the last food partitions in the escape pod. 

There was some stale bread and jelly in the fridge and I could not control my hunger. There was also a juice pouch, the juice was separated and disgusting, but I was so thirsty it didn’t matter. It wasn’t until after I had finished the bread and juice that I even noticed the bookshelves adorned with personal decorations. 

The shelves were filled with books and picture frames. The memories that lived on these shelves held in my mind for some time. I was surprised that such a collection existed, leaving me to believe that the scientist had some amount of time before he came here. It was like he knew what was going to happen and grabbed everything near and dear to him.

I can only imagine the people these faces belonged to. They must have been the scientist’s family and friends. There were pictures of a woman with a dog, there was the face of a beautiful young woman and the photo next to hers was a handsome young man. His children, I assumed. 

 I felt a sudden wave of pain. I felt anguish for all of the people I left behind, and they are dead. Everyone I ever loved and cared for is gone. I am alone, the only person I have is a robot who I could never love. What am I left to do now? Why am I even bothering trying to survive? I can’t recreate all of humanity alone. What is the point of this?

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